Dear Golden Globes,
We are writing to offer the services of Engravers Guild to assist in the finishing of your statuette awards.
It was with sadness that we read this week of your tragic engraving of the prize for Jon Hamm. The Mad Men star and aficionado of cool admitted to Vanity Fair this week that his first Golden Globe in 2008 was delivered bearing a mis-spelling of his name.
We would therefore like to draw your attention to our globally renowned Preview Engraving Function, demonstrated on all engraved gifts. This beautifully visualises exactly how an engraving will appear, so should ensure that no mistakes be made on our personalised gifts.
If you would like to take us up on this offer, then please do not hesitate to reach us on our Contact page.
Yours faithfully,
The Engravers Guild Team
P.S. We prefer the BAFTAS