Engravers Guild is all about giving gifts which mean more. Every Engravers Guild gift is personalised with an engraving.
And what better demonstration of the merits of our approach this week than the US President’s visit to Britain.
As reported on US News, Obama presented David Cameron with a collection of engraved gifts. These included a custom watch engraved on the back with the presidential seal and a bison leather duffel bag, monogrammed with the prime minister’s initials and featuring a luggage tag with the presidential seal.
The duffel bag had three cans of tennis balls from the U.S. Open and a pair of sport towels personalized with US-UK friendship flags.
Mr Obama, Engravers Guild gives you top marks for your personalised gifts. As you realise, an engraved gift can say far more about a relationship than an expensive present in itself ever could.
When David Cameron next visits Washington, we’ll send him with some personalised engraved cufflinks.