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A wedding a-“band”-oned

engraved wedding band

At Engravers Guild of London, we believe not only that a personal engraving is very special but that is also can be a connection with the heart.

And so we couldn’t overlook a story this week about how a well-meaning person is trying to use an engraving to reconnect a wedding ring with its owner.

The gold band was found in Arnold town centre in Nottinghamshire, with the letters A and P inscribed, along with the date of 15.9.55.

A tweet in the last few days with photos and details of the ring went viral.

The plea to find the couple has generated almost 20,000 retweets and 10,000 likes – but, alas, the campaign has still not revealed any clues.

Searches through Nottingham marriage certificates have similarly not shed any light.

Found by the wife of a Nottingham Forest football fan three years ago, the ring was almost forgotten about as she soon afterwards gave birth to a baby boy.

Upon discovering the piece of jewellery again this year, her husband decided to appeal on the internet for any leads as to the rightful owner.

Many suggestions have been submitted, but none have so far delivered any results.

Those of us at Engravers Guild would obviously love for the wedding band to find its original home again.

But, even if it doesn’t, it shows how much of a story is held within an engraving.

Thousands of people all around the world have been captivated by a small inscription made in metal by a diamond-tipped cutter.

The message is not profound, in fact it means very little at all. But just the simple act of a totally personal mark on an indelible surface has the power to communicate great sentiment and evoke wandering thoughts.

In the workshop, we are always delighted to engrave people’s special wedding dates. Our personalised cufflinks and engraved pocket watches are favoured mementos for the big occasion.

Have a browse of our collection of gifts for grooms and page boys, and select something which will forever hold a memory of your special day.

…just… try not to lose it in Arnold town centre.